Start creating your professional invoices here!

Protect Your Data. Enhance Your Security.

Avoid putting yourself in a vulnerable position by relying solely on your computer or an external hard drive for data storage. With Invoice Hubs, your customer data, documents, and reports are securely stored in one convenient location. Our software ensures the safe preservation of your data and documents on a cloud-based platform accessible from anywhere with an internet connection. This means that even in the event of a computer crash, you can still access the vital information necessary to maintain your business operations. You can effortlessly save your documents as PDF files or export Excel reports. This eliminates the need to manually review each invoice to determine your earnings, identify your top-billing customers, or pinpoint your best-selling services. This represents a significant enhancement compared to the days when invoices were handwritten or when other invoicing services were utilized.

Old School or Digital? You Decide

Perhaps you have a preference for traditional hard copy invoices, or maybe you fully embrace the digital lifestyle? In any case, we've got you covered. Thanks to Invoice Home, you can effortlessly modify and save our invoice templates as PDF files and print them with just a few clicks. Alternatively, you have the option to send your saved invoice templates to your clients via email, without the need for downloading. Regardless of your choice, rest assured that all your records are securely stored in your account. This allows you to print or email them at your convenience, as often as necessary.

Get Paid Faster With Online Payments!

Cash-only businesses are becoming increasingly rare. Why should your business be an exception? Both we and your customers have grown accustomed to making online and card payments, making it a natural choice to offer this option to them. Of course, it's possible that some clients may still prefer cash payments. However, no matter their payment preference, Invoice Home has the solution for you. To get started, create a free invoice on our website. If your customer opts to pay with cash or check, you can specify the payment terms on your invoice, including the due date and essential payment details. For customers who prefer to make online payments, you can set up payment links. This method provides a quick and convenient way for your clients to pay using PayPal or Stripe. Additionally, it ensures you receive your payments more promptly, benefiting both parties involved. It's a win-win for everyone!

Access Your Invoices On the Go!

Whether you find yourself in front of a customer, stuck in traffic, or enjoying a day at the beach, you can conveniently access all your invoices using the Invoice Home mobile app! Unlike conventional invoice template Excel programs or invoice template Google Docs, you won't need to lug around a bulky laptop or be tied to a desktop computer for your billing needs. Whenever the need arises to generate a new invoice or review past invoices, simply pull out your phone and launch the app. Everything you require is right at your fingertips. Rest assured, the invoices you create using the app seamlessly synchronize with your Invoice Home desktop account. This ensures that you remain organized and prepared for all your billing tasks.